PHASE 1 - SECTION 1: Outline / Fundamentals 1 & 2




1. Section requirements: This section is composed of two elements; Fundamentals and
Required Reading. Sailors should complete Phase 1 Section I during CPO 365 Phase 1.

·    Fundamentals:  The fundamental element reviews the CPO MVGPs.  The purpose is to provide FCPOs with an opportunity to give their perspective and understanding of the CPO MVGPs.  Resources necessary to assist in learning are listed in the reference section of this guide.  Experience is the key in truly understanding these fundamentals.  SELs and LCPOs should expect FCPOs to satisfactorily answer all line items before providing final signatures. SELs
have the authority to provide overall guidance and set policy on who can sign line items in the fundamental section.

·    Required Reading Guidance: Read the articles provided and then write personal notes on the journal page provided. Journal entries should pertain to personal thoughts and perceptions of the article and how it relates to the question provided in each reading section. SELs and LCPOs are highly encouraged to conduct group training sessions to discuss journal entries with the CPO Mess and FCPOs.

·    Upon completion of both elements under Section I, Sailors will obtain necessary signatures on the CPODG section‘s completion card indicating requirements were met and completed as outlined.

2. Focus: This section is broken down into focus areas:

1 Deckplate Leadership
2 Institutional and Technical Expertise
3 Professionalism
4 Character
5      Loyalty
6 Active Communication
7 Sense of Heritage

Each of these areas contains questions directly related to the MVGPs.  Review each of
the section‘s questions and provide your thoughts and insight.  The responses provided are based on your personal views.  Do not plagiarize or copy from external sources or other individuals. You are encouraged to share your views and perspective with other FCPOs.

3. References: See the reference section for a detailed listing to assist in completing this section.

4. Guidance: Read each question and write your personal thoughts and insight.  Use the blog to discuss  each topic prior to obtaining any signatures.  Once you have received proper mentorship and full guidance, obtain signatures from those authorized by your SEL.


  1. Fundamentals - Deckplate Leadership (Archived)

    Instructions: Select one question/statement from the following list to answer or explain in your own words. Once you've made your initial post, reply to at least two (2) other posts.

    Chiefs are visible leaders who set the tone. We will know the mission, know our Sailors, and develop them beyond their expectations as a team and as individuals.

    1. In your own words define, "Deckplate leadership."

    2. Outline how you would apply your leadership style to the Navy‘s "Brilliant on the Basics" programs.

    3. With regards to leadership, what is the most effective way of being "visible" and setting the "tone" within your command?

    4. What is the mission of your command and the United States Navy?

    5. List 3 ways you would develop your Sailors beyond their expectations as a team.

    6. List 3 ways you would develop your Sailors beyond their expectations as individuals.

    7. What are the benefits of being a proactive leader engaged on the deckplates?

    8. How can you train junior Sailors, officers and enlisted, to be better leaders?

    9. Outline 3 best practices you have seen at past commands that worked well with regards to leadership and being visible at the deckplate level.

    10. What are the effects or impact to a command where FCPOs and CPO Mess are not out leading on the deckplates?
    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook18 comments:
    Justin UtherguyDecember 18, 2012 at 7:12 PM
    List 3 ways you would develop your Sailors beyond their expectations as a team.
    1. Develop a “mission statement” that clearly defines the goals of the team. As silly and big business as a mission statement may seem, it can help focus the purpose of what the team is trying to accomplish. I’ve found that an unfocussed team tends to be disorganized and wandering from task to task without a true sense of purpose. Mission statements have helped me to identify the purpose for what we were doing. Sometimes their formally written and displayed everywhere. Other times they are just discussed thoroughly and internalized by each member of the team. Either way, the mission is clear and the team can focus their accomplishments toward meeting the mission.
    2. Set high expectations for the team and its individual members. I have found that people often hold low expectations for what they can achieve for themselves and for their team. “I’m just one person” or “there’s not enough time or resources to do that” are some of the thoughts that drive those low expectations. In my experience, Sailors are much more capable than they think they are. Consider how difficult it is for a butterfly to emerge from its cocoon. It struggles to squeeze its way through a tiny hole in the cocoon, slowly wiggling back and forth to break free. Finally, it emerges and spreads its wings in all their beauty and flies away. Now, we could help ease this process by making the hole in the cocoon bigger so the butterfly could just slide right out. This kind hearted gesture would not help the butterfly, but instead, condemn it. See, there is purpose in the struggle to get free. As the butterfly struggles against the sides of the cocoon, it causes fluids to be pushed into wings to give them their shape and stability for flight. The same could be said for setting high expectation for the team. After the struggle, they should be transformed and emerge as an amazing thing to behold.
    3. Set attainable goals. Attainable goals are not simple tasks that are easy or unchallenging. Attainable goals are tasks which can be completed within a reasonable amount of time and effort with the confines of the team’s ability and skill sets. They provide opportunities to appreciate small successes on the way towards meeting the overall goal. A series of small victories indeed win the war.

    ATCS(AW) Hicks

    1. Frank MclaughlinJanuary 9, 2013 at 11:28 AM

      I absolutely agree with Senior Chief’s second statement about setting high goals for the team as well as the individual. Sailors perform best when they have the right amount of stress. Too much stress not good, too little stress not good. And setting high goals gives them the stress need to perform and the experience of overcoming the challenges to reach those goals grows them as leaders and builds their confidence to accomplish equal or more difficult endeavors. V/R AWF1 Mac

    2. PlanetnikJanuary 12, 2013 at 3:57 PM

      The butterfly analogy is great. We will not help anyone by enabling them, i.e. cutting a bigger hole. The things that we work the hardest for are the ones we treasure most, and from that the transformation.

    3. Zieglerrobert@hotmail.comDecember 30, 2012 at 12:21 PM

      I wanted to add to the 3rd part of your statement about goal setting (and you could apply the following suggestions on how to give orders as well)
      Make your Goals & Orders S.M.A.R.T.

      S=Specific-Give them the details.
      M=Measurable- Make it quantifiable.
      A=Attainable- Upon completion they will be motivated by the success.
      R=Realistic-Make it doable & within the persons capabilities.
      T=Timely- Put a timeframe on all when it is due.

    4. Frank MclaughlinJanuary 9, 2013 at 11:13 AM

      In your own words define, "Deckplate leadership."
      This question reminds me of one of my first conversations with my Father (32 Year retired sailor) after I join the Navy in 1997. Shortly after I graduated from Basic training I was on liberty (restricted to uniforms. No civilian clothes) with my father. During this time I was really worried about looking sharp and not scuffing my newly polished shoes. Stuff that they was programmed in my head from boot camp. My father took notice and said to me "Frank you look sharp but remember when you get out to the fleet, it is not how you look but it is your performance on the deckplates. What really matters is your deckplate leadership." This was the first time I hear of the term Deckplate Leadership. After the discussion with my father I understood deckplate leadership as the leadership that is shown when the individual is totally immersed in the daily operations of the command. It is being there throughout the work evolution there to give your experience, guidance, and mentorship to the sailors involved. What it’s not, is tasking a working party to do something then going to the break room to drink coffee and joke around with your friends. He described to how when he was a Senior Chief he would be in coveralls and crawl around the bilges of the engine room to troubleshoot (more important, train troubleshooting) problems with the main propulsion plant. During this time he also held the collateral duty of Command Senior Chief. AWF1 Mac

    5. PlanetnikJanuary 12, 2013 at 3:49 PM

      I agree about being totally immersed. It is vital to your operation otherwise you will not know first hand what is really going on around the command. If you aren't willing to go the distance first, how can you ask your sailors to do that?

    6. Justin UtherguyJanuary 13, 2013 at 3:08 PM

      Thanks for sharing the experiences of your father with us. Do you think that there may come a point where a deckplate leader could be too involved in the daily happening in the department/division? Why? If yes, what might be the resulting impact?

      ATCS Hicks

    7. Frank MclaughlinJanuary 15, 2013 at 12:18 PM

      Yes, there has to be a balance. The object is not to do the work for them or micromanage them. This is would be an example of being to immersed in the activity. This does not help the sailor grow and learn. The trick is to be there to guide them along the way not to do it for them. V/R AWF1 Mac

    8. PlanetnikJanuary 12, 2013 at 3:42 PM

      The best way to be visible and set the tone within your command is to be involved. Engage your people, run with them at PT, if there is a slow down in a shop, find out what is the root of the problem. Find the best win-win solution while being consistent and fair. Know what is going on at the command by talking to sailors. I feel you can lead best when you know your people.
      I have this my kids school, the principal and vice-principal are at the curb almost every morning greeting kids as they arrive. They are visible walking around the campus. They talk to the kids often and remember most kids names. When there are special activities going on in a specific grade and classroom, they stop in to interact with the kids. They are VISIBLE--and the fact that they are so visible and seen engaging everyone, shows they are leading by example and are accessible. This is what being visible and setting the tone mean to me. Get involved. Be visible. Engage. Be accessible. Be consistent and fair. Show your people what a good leader does and they will be the same

    9. JetskiJanuary 13, 2013 at 12:08 PM

      I absolutely agree with this, spending time with people and participation in the daily routines of others' is the fastest way to set the "tone" and build rapport. It is nice to hear that the kids at the school are being shown leadership outside the home as well. I wonder how many other parents beside you have even recognized it.

      AWF1 Jaeschke

    10. Justin UtherguyJanuary 13, 2013 at 3:05 PM

      Thanks for sharing your analogy of the principles at your childrens' school. Who would you say they are setting the example for, the kids or the faculty? Why?

      ATCS Hicks

    11. PlanetnikJanuary 13, 2013 at 6:14 PM

      My father has a saying, "Be here NOW." Eye contact, listening, and give someone your full attention.
      I fully believe you can apply this to anything you do.

      As far as the school, they are setting such a fine example for all--kids, faculty/teachers, and every volunteer that spends time at the school. Parents and some high school student volunteers are able to see the level of participation in all the staff.
      I know they must have their own work to do in their offices, however, they are mostly out and about interacting actively within the school and classrooms. That tells me, even as a parent, that they know the value of that involvement.

      When I was in grade school, I NEVER saw the main office staff. They kept to their offices. That was in the 80s. It is amazing and great to see how the educators and the system have evolved. I greatly appreciate their effort and I volunteer there myself often and frequently to give back in return to show appreciation for all that they do for the kids.

      YN1 Parsons

    12. JetskiJanuary 13, 2013 at 11:59 AM

      7. What are the benefits of being a proactive leader engaged on the deckplates?

      Being engaged on the deckplates allows for leaders to make a connection with their Sailors. Often times there is a disconnection between Sailors and leaders due to a variety of obstacles. These can include age, gender, beliefs, rank, lifestyle, and the list goes on. It is the leaders’ responsibility to try to close the distance and this is best achieved by being fully engaged. Additionally, you have to know the capabilities and personalities of those you’re working with. This doesn’t happen by accident and the larger the group, the more proactive you must be. This also helps to identify conflicts that may affect workcenter production.

      Also, who better to set the example of performance than the one setting the expectations for others to achieve. I find it much easier to correct inadequate performance if I’ve personally exampled what my expectations are. I believe that most of our Sailors are hard chargers and genuinely have a desire to do great works. If a leader is not engaged, there is no one to provide a clear objective for Sailors to apply their efforts toward, which degrades overall performance of the unit.

      AWF1 Jaeschke

    13. Justin UtherguyJanuary 13, 2013 at 3:03 PM


      I agree with your comment about connection with you Sailors. It is important to build some sort of relationship with them at some level. Can you give an example of something you have done in the past that worked well for you?

      ATCS Hicks

    14. PlanetnikJanuary 13, 2013 at 6:25 PM

      I totally agree the disconnection that can stem from various obstacles. You have to feel out the situation and people you work with. You are not going to communicate the same way with everyone you work with. Everyone has different personalities and ways of handling different situations. I like your reference to closing the gap. That is the magic. How to bring everyone together so that everyone is on the same page.

      YN1 Parsons

    15. JoDee MedranoJanuary 23, 2013 at 10:19 AM

      This is a very great forum to speak on when it comes to leadership. I'm finding it hard to find my place in the stucture when it does come to leadership. I currently am finding it the hardest to show certain sailors that speaking down to me just because I am new First class is not only detrimental to the rank structure but also setting a bad example to other junior sailors. I also believe that when it comes to setting goals for the junior sailors that work in the same shop as me they really could careless what I say to them. So I'm not sure how I should go about being a leader in that fashion given the fact that the junior sailors I work with still view me as an equal and not as a first class.- PR1 Medrano

    16. Justin UtherguyJanuary 24, 2013 at 10:42 AM

      It can be challenging trasition for a recently promoted Sailor and his/her shipmates. A wise man once said that "a prophet has no honor in his own country." What this means is that the former status a person held prior to promotion can confuse established relationships. Those where considered peers/friends are now subordinate. The member may have conflicted loyalties between friendship and duty. Also, he/she may feel pressured to prove himself/herself for acceptance into the new group of peers. As a leader, how would you counsel and mentor a junior Sailor who faced this problem? I was once told that a leader/supervisor doesn't need friends at work. That is not to say you can't be friends with the people with which you work. It is a philosophy for leadership. Leaders can be friendly, but when it comes down to it, they are the ones with the authority and responsibility to get things done. Friendships cannot be allowed to interfere with mission, expectations, or performance. Sometimes you will need to draw that line in the work place where friendship ends and senior-subordinate relationships begin. A true friend will understand that relationship and respect your position. For those that don't, just be fair and consistant with your leadership and it usually works out. Also, don't allow those in your new peer group be disrespectful to you just because you're newly promoted. Newly promoted Sailors may still need to establish themselves as leaders, but that doesn't mean they deserve any let respect that those who are senior in years but not paygrade.

    17. Zieglerrobert@hotmail.comFebruary 11, 2013 at 7:38 AM

      I had a similar experience. The problem I encountered was I tried to be the Leader that I thought I was supposed to be instead of the leader I was...Meaning that if you try to make yourself a leader based on the what you think the perspectives of your subordinates are, then you will deny yourself to chance to leverage the strengths that helped you make first class. Bottom line is- Be yourself. Lead, give direction, insight and support the best way you know how. Everyone of us has the ability to make a difference in the lives and careers of each other- You may not recognize the difference you make in the support, guidance, and growth of your subordinates- but eventually you will. Keep up the hard work and dedication-We are all in this together.
      Chief Z

  2. Fundamentals - Institutional and Technichal Expertise (Transcribed)
    Instructions: Select one question/statement from the following list to answer or explain in your own words. Once you've made your initial post, reply to at least two (2) other posts.

    Chiefs are experts in their field. We will use experience and technical knowledge to produce a well-trained enlisted and officer team.

    1. Define the term, "Institutional expertise”.

    2. Define the term "Technical expertise”.

    3. Describe how you, as a FCPO and future Chief, would use your experience to train Sailors, officers and enlisted.

    4. Describe the importance of maintaining your technical expertise.

    5. List 3 ways you could apply your technical expertise and knowledge to produce a well-trained enlisted and officer team.

    6. As an "expert” many will come to you seeking solutions. Occasionally, you will be faced with an issue to which you do not have the answer. As a FCPO, what would you do if placed in this situation?

    7. Other than your "rating”, outline other areas in which a FCPO and Chief is considered a technical expert. Include all Navy programs, command duties and responsibilities, and warfare community specifics.

    8. Finish the following sentence; As a future Chief it is important that I maintain my technical expertise because….

    9. What is the difference between being a leader and being a technical and institutional expert? Is there a difference, in your opinion, and if so what is your reasoning?

    10. Often, as leaders, we are placed in positions of authority that are out of our rating. A few examples of this are Command DAPAs, Command Fitness Leaders, and 3M Coordinators. If placed in this type of position, what course of action would you take to become the technical and institutional leader in your new leadership role?

    1. Justin UtherguyJanuary 24, 2013 at 12:29 PM

      As an aircraft maintainer by rate, I could think of many examples of how to my technical expertise and knowledge in the areas of aircraft, squadron, or mission readiness. I would like to, however, share my experiences outside my maintenance background to demonstrate how technical expertise is not limited your rating and still can lead to a well-trained enlisted and officer team. Let me set the stage for you. My last duty station was NAF/NOSC Washington DC, where I served as the Training and Travel Departments Chief. Our Travel Department was responsible for much of the same order writing responsibilities as VR-51’s Operations Department; only our customer base was about 3,000 plus reserve personnel assigned to 115 units. When I took over as the Chief, we had no PS’s in the department. The lines between Training and Travel responsibilities were blurry and disorganized. Now, the “ATC” in front of my name didn’t stand for “Awesome Training/Travel Chief” and my prior experience with NROWS, DTS, and various other related programs was limited. I was a maintainer remember. The department had a poor reputation for taking an excessive amount of time to process travel claims, sometimes losing them all together. We also faced the daunting task of an accelerated schedule to integrate the NROWS/DTS system. The approach we took to resolve some of these problems and build a cohesive team were loosely based on what I learned as a maintainer.
      1. Troubleshoot the problems
      2. Isolate the source of the trouble
      3. Perform the required maintenance

      Troubleshoot the problems

      The first thing we needed to do was to figure out what was wrong. We reviewed the areas in which the departments were lacking or struggling to identify the key problems. For example: Travel claims were not getting paid in a timely manner. To troubleshoot this problem we looked at all the indicators like reports of lost travel claims, the poor or absent tracking system, and number of qualified claim reviewers and approvers.

      Isolate the source of the trouble

      Once we identified the trouble areas by asking why were struggling or failing in them. We reviewed our travel claim procedures and found that we were failing to properly log and track claims as they were being processed through our office before submission to PSD for payment. We also discovered that we had a major problem with our communications, email to be specific. Reserve personnel would email a claim to a distribution list with all of our email addresses on it. These emailed travel claims often had large attachments which would be replicated about six times, one for each address on the distro list. Needless to say, we couldn’t return email and after a certain point we couldn’t receive email either.

      Perform the required maintenance

      Now that we isolated the source of some of our troubles, we had to figure out how to fix it. Through a little research and brainstorming, we came up with a couple of solutions. First, create a standardized tracking system and procedures for logging the progress of a travel claim as it was processed. Second, establish a single point email for the sole purpose of communicating travel claims and travel related problems. When these solutions were implemented, we saw a marked improvement in our travel claim process, customer satisfaction, and work center morale.

      The keys to success for resolving the example problems lie primarily in communication. At all points in the process, the department head was in the know about the identified problems, potential solutions, and goal progress. The department head communicated to the Chief areas of concern, big picture priorities, and chain of command support. The Chief worked hand-in-hand with the LPO and department personnel to identify problems, to solicit ideas for resolving the problems, and to implement planned solutions.

      ATCS Hicks

    2. jason gibsonFebruary 3, 2013 at 11:16 AM
      As an "expert” many will come to you seeking solutions. Occasionally, you will be faced with an issue to which you do not have the answer. As a FCPO, what would you do if placed in this situation?
      I strongly feel that being an “expert” does not require having all the answers…… It does however require that you be knowledgeable of the resources available to you so that you can utilize these resources to obtain the answer.
      The older that I get, the less I remember! I can tell you that I just don’t remember things the way that I once did. I once tried to toss out an answer when one approached me as a SME. That answer turned out to be incorrect. I gave my “best” answer to the LCDR but just then, an AWF2 ,who had just finished taking his rating exam, shouts “WRONG! That was on my test and here it is in writing.”. You could observe the body language of the officer seeking assistance. My credibility was diminished and I felt embarrassed to have been schooled by a junior person.
      From that point forward, I vowed that if there was any hesitation or doubt about my answer, I would refer to the resource containing the answer.
      What is the difference between being a leader and being a technical and institutional expert? Is there a difference, in your opinion, and if so what is your reasoning?
      I feel that being a technical OR institutional expert is essential to being a leader. I say “OR” because some leaders might be experts in both while some lean more heavily on one or the other while performing in a leadership role.
      Take the AWF rate for example- Many members of this rate come from non-maintenance ratings. I just happened to be one of those guys. I was an operator for 12 years of my Navy career. If someone saw a traditional AW with a tool in their hand, they would have chased them down like a gut shot 10 pointer!!!! Due to the rate merger, I have become the guy who must rely more heavily on institutional expertise simply because the technical expertise of the maintenance field is lacking.
      AWF1 Gibson

    3. Justin UtherguyFebruary 6, 2013 at 12:54 PM
      Credibility is a difficult thing to regain once it is lost or deminished. It realy isn't a bad thing to admit that you don't know the answer to a question. What sets most people apart is what they do next. Do they admit they don't know and leave it at that? Or, do they follow up that statement with something else? Sometimes the follow up action could be simply researching the answer and getting back to the person. Maybe finding a more applicable SME is the best course of action. I think the key is in the follow up and how a person helps find the answer. Good post.

    4. Nainoa GonsalvesFebruary 12, 2013 at 3:21 PM
      As a P-3 FE I faced this many times, even after I made Instructor, I would get asked questions by a student FE that I couldn't answer at the time. I loved those questions more than questions I knew, because I knew that I was going to find the answer and my student and myself would be more knowledgeable about whatever system it may happen to have been related to.
      Those questions never embarrassed me, and I doubt I lost any credibility because my reputation for knowing the P-3 systems was never in doubt. I would either say, well that's a good question, and I'd tell that person that I really enjoyed those type of questions because I like putting my systems knowledge to the test. We'd figure it out either through the pubs, or tracing a schematic or talking to a CDI or another FE, however way it took to get the answer. You only lose credibility if you don't get the answer, in my opinion.

    5. JoDee MedranoFebruary 4, 2013 at 5:24 PM
      As a future Chief it is important that I maintain my technical expertise because there is a saying that says "Ask the Chief". If I do not maintain my technical expertise then how can a junior sailor ask me a question and truly believe that they can trust the answer I am giving them.
      I agree with AWF1 Gibson, I don’t think that you have to be an "Expert" at everything, in fact no one is. However I believe that knowing resources and networking will make you just as credible as the so called "Expert".
      I know that the time will come when a sailor will ask me a question and I am not going to have the answer (it happens already). In that matter I would tell the sailor that I do not know the answer but we can research the topic together. But then again I do not have any problems saying “I don’t know” I have seen in the past many leaders spout out some BS to sailors looking for answers or totally blow that sailor off all together. In my personal opinion I am no better than anyone else, if I do not know the answer to a question but willing to admit it then I feel that the junior sailor will respect me more for being honest and up front.

    6. Justin UtherguyFebruary 6, 2013 at 12:57 PM
      Maintaining technical expertise is important. It enables you to help train up the next generation of Sailors in your rating or specialty. What do you think "institutional expertise" is means? Is it the same as "technical expertise"?

    7. Nainoa GonsalvesFebruary 12, 2013 at 3:10 PM
      Statement: 4. Describe the importance of maintaining your technical expertise.
      2nd class is where most of us spend most of our time getting the 'technical expertise' aspect of our rate/job. Once you make 1st, you are expected to already be a technical expert because you really don't have all that much time to be spending on becoming a technical expert in your rate any longer. When I was the Line Shack LPO, I would have hardly any time during a typical work day to be studying/doing Flight Engineer stuff or mech or Airframe stuff. Majority of my day was handling the everyday task of managing a shop of E1-E4's. A very time consuming and never ending task. You would not be able to dedicate as much of yourself to your people if you had to catch up on the technical aspect of your job.
      The other reason why it is important is because your people will be coming to you and expecting you to show them and train them. It would be virtually impossible for you to train someone if you aren't solid on that information yourself.

      AWF1 Gonsalves

    8. AnonymousFebruary 12, 2013 at 3:26 PM
      You bring up a good point. That most of us gain our technical expertise coming up through the ranks. But this leaves us with a problem in today’s Navy. With the PTS program the navy is able to cross rate a sailor up to the 14 year point. Many times the sailor is moved in to a rate that is undermanned and advancement is much better. Many these sailors are then thrust in a chief/first class spot with very little previous experience. This problem in our fleet and I believe that it is one of the biggest fundament flaws with the PTS program. AWF1 Mac

    9. AnonymousFebruary 12, 2013 at 3:13 PM
      Senior, I believe technical expertise is having in-depth knowledge of your rating. (The technical side of things) I believe institutional expertise is having in depth knowledge of how the Navy works as an organization. This includes programs that affect our sailors. I believe that as a chief you should to have a firm grasp in both areas so you can adequately support our sailors. Medrano is correct in that we don’t always have all the answers but as leaders we should know where to find the answers. If you don’t know it, utilize all your resources to help find it. One final thing to add, I try to take an instructors approach to answers I don’t know. In my 9502 course they always tell you to insure you follow through on the answer to the questions (especially if you don’t know them in the lesson) because to the student, it was important enough for them to ask it and the research it will help keep that information in your memory for future use. When it comes to our sailors, sometimes they ask questions that may seem trivial or small to you but it could be important to them. V/R AWF1 Mac

    10. Senior, I could not agree more. I think about some of the good leaders that I have served with during my time on active duty. These leaders simply did not have all of the answers. However, they had knowledge to know WHERE to find this information.
      Follow up is everything in my opinion. I can remember 2 or 3 specific instructors in my career to whom I had posed a question. They gave the ole instructor statement "I don't have the answer but I will get back to ya.". These 2 or 3 fellas made an effort to track me down to give me the answer to my question. I immediately labeled them as credible instructors with great follow up.

  3. Mac,
    That was well stated in my opinion when you said "I believe technical expertise is having in-depth knowledge of your rating. (The technical side of things) I believe institutional expertise is having in depth knowledge of how the Navy works as an organization.".

    I think do however believe that some of the stronger leaders can emerge and still be great even when the technical expertise is lacking. These leaders will be few and far between... And they really must really excel in the other areas such as collateral duties, sailorization & mentoring, education(naval and college) and community service. Thoughts?

    1. You know Gibby, I think is some cases that may work, but many of the rates are extremely technical and hazardous. This lack of technical knowledge could be disastrous. A good leader could still effectively lead his division in a major mishap due to his technical incompetence. This is why I believe technical knowledge is so important especially and the CPO level where there may not be anyone more senior in that rate in that command. AWF1 Mac

  4. I like what Gibby and Mac are putting out there. I believe that technical and institutional knowledge can be lacking not alot (i mean you gotta know some stuff) but I can see how some leaders are lacking a bit in technical expertise or even lacking institutional expertise but still be good leaders. Take for instance I believe that part of being a leader is managing your personal life and knowing how to do it in the right fashion without it impacting your work performance and workcenter. I think having strong life skills can also help out when it come to being a leader.
