PHASE 1 SECTION 1: Fundamentals 3 & 4


  1. Fundamentals - Professionalism
    Instructions: Select one question/statement from the following list to answer or explain in your own words. Once you've made your initial post, reply to at least two (2) other posts.

    Chiefs will actively teach, uphold, and enforce standards. We will measure ourselves by the success of our Sailors. We will remain invested in the Navy through self-motivated military and academic education and training and will provide proactive solutions that are well-founded, thoroughly considered, and linked to mission accomplishment.

    1. In your own words, define "Professionalism”.

    2. How will you, as a FCPO and future Chief, actively teach, uphold, and enforce Navy and command standards?

    3. As a leader we measure ourselves by the success of our Sailors. Describe the different metrics available we can use to measure Sailor success. Example: Command Climate Survey.

    4. Why is maintaining academic education and training important?

    5. What is the difference between a reactionary solution and a proactive solution? What are the benefits of being a proactive leader? Is being a reactive leader necessary at times? Explain.

    6. How is professionalism linked to mission readiness?

    7. Define what a "well-founded‖ solution means to you.

    8. Enforcing standards is very important. As leaders, we need to set the example at all times. What actions would you take if leaders within your organization were not adhering to standards?

    9. List those areas that you feel truly are a measurement of the command climate. As a professional what would you do to improve these areas? Example: High Attrition.

    10. Finish this sentence; A leader who is unprofessional and does not enforce standards…

    1. Question 5
      I have live both sides of this fence both in the navy and as I firefighter (yes there it is). We train both in the hangar and in the fire house for the event we may face. I know I have been a proactive leader when I run the kids who trust in me to lead them in and out of a house fire through basic hose drills every day. And as a night check supervisor when I put the priority on which AWMs need to get done. To turn the coin over I am a reactionary person by nature I would rather think on my feet rather than follow a plan that may not work for the situation I am going to face. The caveat to that is a proactive solution is you know the expected outcome. As well as a proactive leader can play his plan to the strength of who he has available. Let’s turn the coin over again from inside the house fire to aircraft MAINT to life itself we need to have the ability to be a reactive leader because those motions are fluid and ever changing from the DNT that turns into an engine change, to inside the house goes to "get the hell out we'er losing it" the essence of this is a proactive solution much like ORM can have a expected outcome were as a reactive solution will get you an outcome but it may not be the one you expect or can plan for.

      AD1 Molzahn

    2. AD1,

      Thanks for your insights. It is important for a leader to be adaptable enough to act in reactively to changing situations. However, I believe what you are describing is a prepared leader. Prepared leaders follow a principle they kept repeating while I was going through my IA training, "Training the way we fight. Fight the way we train." This philosophy is not about trying to plan or train out every possible problem or situation that can arise. It is a philosophy based on practicing fundamental principles and concepts to establish a foundation from which to react to those unexpected circumstances which we all face, in house fires, on a flightline, or at home when the phone rings at 0300 bringing some bad news. The benefits of working from this foundation is that you can rely on that young plane captain or crew chief who is equipped with that knowledge. They are the ones who find the gripes that lead to engine changes which can save millions of dollars in aircraft assets, as well as, priceless lives of his or her shipmates. As leaders, we prepare these Sailors to use the fundamentals like we were taught so that we can make proper "reactive" descisions. Again, good points. Thanks for sharing.


    3. I would like to address #8 with a recent situation that I was placed in. I had a discussion with a E-5 within our command about upholding standards. The discussion was in regard to showing up late to work. This second class had a track record of showing up late but had never recieved a couseling chit to address his tardiness. So when Drill weekend rolls around one of the reservist showed up 10 mins late for work. And the second class pulled me aside and told me that I needed to write up the reserve sailor for being late to work. So I told the second class well if I write up the reserve sailor for lateness then that would mean the next time that you show up late for work I would have to write you up as well. This did not sit well with the active duty guy and fires back at me and says well I am only 5 or 6 mins late I'm not 10 or 15 mins late for work. Then I replied I understand that but late is late and I am not going to be a hypocrite and write up one person for the same infaction that another sailor is gulity for. I believe that would be an example that has recently come into my world when standards need to be inforced. I felt that I need to clearify to the second class that just because he is an active duty sailor and not a reserve sailor he was not exempt to diciplinary action when it comes showing up late for work and it does not matter if you are 1 minute late or 20 minutes late. Late is late and if I as a First class have to show up to work on time then why should junior guys not be held to the same standard.

    4. PR1,

      Remember, as a leader, you set the tone or expectation for performance within you work center, division or department. With that in mind you might take a couple of different approaches to resolve the conflict you are experiencing. First thing you should do as a leader where ever you go is to make sure that your folks know what your expectations are. Sit them down individually or as a group and lay it out for them. If you assume they should know what is expected, you're going to learn that you and your folks have differing views of what is expected. Once that has been established, you need to adhere to the expectations you set by setting the example and holding your folks accountable. It is never too late to have that conversation with your folks. As for the PO2 who is telling you that you need to counsel another Sailor for being late, it sounds like a teachable moment to me. If this PO2 was counselled in the past for tardiness and is now seeking a little justice, have him/her perform the counselling since he/she is the one who is reporting it. This can have a couple of positive effects. One, the PO2 will have to counsel the Sailor on the same behavior that he/she has been exhibiting and deal with the consequences of hypocacy. I recommend you observe as a witness in order to ensure the right message is being sent and received. Two, this will equip the PO2 with some necessary leadership skills by exposing him/he to the sometimes difficult task of performance counselling. It certainly can be a challenge. Bottom line is to set the tone, lead by example, and hold your folks accountable because they with hold you accountable as a leader.


    5. Sounds like fine advice- Its not always easy to confront someone when they are not up to the standards- But as senior Sailors it is important that we maintain the standards that have been set before us- Good Order and Discipline are the MCPONs guiding words for us as CPO's & PCPO's. By empowering your subordinate to do the counseling you send two messages & reinforce the standards-
      Chief Z

  2. Fundamentals- Character and Loyalty
    Instructions: Select one question/statement from the following list to answer or explain in your own words. Once you've made your initial post, reply to at least two (2) other posts.

    Chiefs abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, take full responsibility for their actions and keep their word. This will set a positive tone for the command, unify the Mess, and create esprit de corps.

    Chiefs remember that loyalty must be demonstrated to seniors, peers and subordinates alike, and that it must never be blind. Few things are more important than people who have the moral courage to question the appropriate direction in which an organization is headed and then the strength to support whatever final decisions are made.

    1. In your own words define "Character”.

    2. In your own words define "Loyalty”.

    3. What does abiding by an uncompromising code of integrity mean to you?

    4. What are some of the attributes that define true character?

    5. How does abiding by an uncompromising code of integrity unify FCPOs and the CPO Mess and create esprit de corps?

    6. What is meant by, "What is said in the Mess, seen in the mess and heard in the mess . . . stays in the Mess”? How does Loyalty factor into this saying?

    7. What is meant by, "Acceptance is not agreement‖? How does this apply to the previous line item?

    8. List some of the basic characteristics of a loyal Sailor.

    9. Finish this sentence; A Chief with uncompromising character and true loyalty is…

    10. What is meant by loyalty never being blind?

  3. 6. What is meant by, "What is said in the Mess, seen in the mess and heard in the mess . . . stays in the Mess”? How does Loyalty factor into this saying?

    I felt that this topic was a very interesting topic. I have heard this sang time and time again throughout my Naval career and for the life of me I could never understand it. I completely get, for lack of words "honor among theives" (I do not think that the chiefs steal by the way LOL). I have first hand seen where there was a leak of information that happened in the chiefs mess and to be completely honest I lost alot of respect for thoses chiefs not because of the leak but because of the things that the chiefs mess had covered up. (I did not lose respect for the rank just for the person). Would this be an example of why there is such secreacy among the chiefs mess and there activities? I compeletly understand loyalty but at what point is a line drawn and the cover up is unveiled?

  4. What is Character?

    Character is a what you do when know one else is looking. When your the only one on watch and no other rover is coming by your station for another hour and it is at 0200. What do you do? Do you go ahead and take that quick power nap or do you stand your watch viligantly and properly. My opinion of Character is doing what your heart tells you is the right thing to do. I might be naieve but I think everyone deep down knows what the right thing to do is. Its just a matter of having the Character to listen to it.


  5. That is a good point PS1! I know that there have been times that I have caught myself not always doing the right the thing. Not out of pure negligence but just outta laziness. I have found that now that I am a first class doing right thing is a total benefit not only does it feel good (you dont have that shady feeling on you) but also you set a good example for others around you. I do believe that most people genuinely are good people but I have seen the opposite too I have seen sailors that no matter what you do they are going to continue to be shady. In that example, how do we as a first class mess help that sailor see that being shady is very deterimental and destructive.
